
At every stage of life, it is worthwhile to stop and reflect on the best solution to meet our financial objectives.
Whether you are at the beginning or at the end of your career, we invite you to re-assess your financial position.
What would happen if you lost some of your earnings because of illness or disability? What would happen if you or your spouse died prematurely? Do you have enough savings to cover expenses during your retirement?
Our multidisciplinary team has the skills and the tools to help you answer these questions and help you in choosing a financial solution suited for your needs.
Placements FM has access to insurance and investment companies that are among the best on the market.
Group insurance
Development and review of insurance plans
Development and review of financial agreements
Preparation and analysis of request for proposals from insurers
Negotiations with the insurers
Validation and review of contracts and brochures
Follow-up on the plans experience
Tax optimization of the plans
Pension plans
Evaluation of the plan in accordance with the laws governing pension plans (capitalization, solvency, modifications)
Review the pension regulation
Calculation resulting from a request from the Pension Committee (program for early retirement, ad hoc annuity upgrading)
Proposal of modifications
Data retention necessary for a good management of the plan
Preparation of annual statements including a summary report for the Pension Committee
Calculation of benefits
Calculation of transfer values based on a framework agreement
Preparation of annual statements
Annual calculation of pension adjustments (PA, PASP, PAR)
Retirement compensation for the main shareholder
Our main customers
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